i have use 4 470k pot , but the konob on the screnn go to max at the 1/4 of the pot ? anyone have a solution to fix it ?
Just cut part of the stem off so the pots fit nicely. Carefull not to put too much pressure on the pot while sawing though.
What do the buttons do?
jochem wrote:
Just cut part of the stem off so the pots fit nicely. Carefull not to put too much pressure on the pot while sawing though.
What do the buttons do?
control the adsr
What effect do the push buttons (not the pots) have on the adsr?
djjonnyjams wrote:
What effect do the push buttons (not the pots) have on the adsr?
it's just for control the mouse in the sequecer :-p
So you have them hardwired to the joyport? I really like your style! Which pins on the joyport do you use?
djjonnyjams wrote:
So you have them hardwired to the joyport? I really like your style! Which pins on the joyport do you use?
Pin#/Cable Color/Function
all is wired on JP2
Pin 1. White. Up ( Tact Switch )............................................
Pin 2. Yellow. Down ( Tact Switch )........................................
Pin 3. Green. Left ( Tact Switch )...........................................
Pin 4. Brown. Right ( Tact Switch )........................................
Pin 6. Red Function / Fire ( Tact Switch )............................
Pin 8. Black. Collector / Ground?..........................................
All the Tact Switches were connected to Pin 8.
When you pressed the tact switch it simply connected the source Pin(1,2,3,4,6) to Pin 8
All acceleration potentiometres took power from Pin 7. Pin7 to Knob Pin2.
Pin 5 or 9 were connected to Knob Pin 1. ( Center )
Knob Pin3. Return was to Pin 8.
Knob Pin* The pin number given to knob shematics.
\ O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 /
\ O6 O7 O8 O9 /
Thanks, I'll have to try that tonight!
is there a manual somewhere on how to add adsr knobs?
(how and where to connect them...)