Has anyone else noticed that the CC values from the guide don't quite do what they should? I've experimented quite a bit with it lately, especially when it comes to waveforms. Do the CC messages for "button" parameters act like a toggle switch? It's just a little out of control.
I'm trying to make a Max/Msp patch to control Monosynth, but it's not quite acting right. Do the lfo destination buttons act like a switch, where only one can be active? That's what I assumed...if I could see the screen of course this would't be a problem. Anyone have thoughts on this?
Last edited by deadrom (2010-12-15 20:08:09)
Okay, I figured out one way to consistently recall patches via MIDI. You can't send too much at once. If you space out the CC messages, no problems with recalling an entire patch in one second. Now that I think of it, there was something about this in the Getting started Doc.
If anyone has any interesting findings about Mssiah and MIDI, feel free to share them.
Right, I think the manual says something about limiting CC values to every 2 milliseconds or so.