So in Monosynth and in Bassline, playing trills on my MIDI keyboard produces the expected result. In other words, I strike and hold one key with the ring finger, and then rapidly tap other keys with the index finger and thumb. The software sounds the first initial note, sounds the other notes when struck, and sounds the initial note again when the other note is released.
I can't get this to work in Sequencer multitimbral mode. The software sounds the first inital note, and the other notes when struck, but does not sound the initial note again when the other note is released. Anyone know how? Thanks
you're gonna have to play them the "old fashioned" way i.e. correctly. the multitimbral mode is in essence polyphonic mode. you have to strike the initial note again when the other notes are released. in the monosynth and bassline modes you are dealing with a monophonic instrument that gives the first note struck or last note held priority over the other notes after it. therefore, as long as a key is held, it will play. this is not the case with multitimbral mode.
Also, zero the VEL parameter. SID doesn't always appreciate changing sustain levels too quickly.
For example, if you play three notes fast, all with a raise in velocity SID might fail to trig.