So I was SIDDUMPing some tunes today and also studying a SID register reference table when I discovered something interesting. The pulse width parameter has a range of 000-FFF with 800 being 50% duty cycle. But why when I look in the sequencers instrument page do I see only 32 values for the duty cycle? What gives? why does MSSIAH's pulse width 28 = hex pulse width 800, and why can't I play with very very thin pulses without resorting to modulation? I don't want a modulated sound, but I DO want a very thin pulse to emulate a highpass filter sound. I don't see any reason on the face of things that explain such a restriction.
DjFluorescent wrote:
So I was SIDDUMPing some tunes today and also studying a SID register reference table when I discovered something interesting. The pulse width parameter has a range of 000-FFF with 800 being 50% duty cycle. But why when I look in the sequencers instrument page do I see only 32 values for the duty cycle? What gives? why does MSSIAH's pulse width 28 = hex pulse width 800, and why can't I play with very very thin pulses without resorting to modulation? I don't want a modulated sound, but I DO want a very thin pulse to emulate a highpass filter sound. I don't see any reason on the face of things that explain such a restriction.
Uh ho, I would ask such question to the creator instead if i was you