Hello all,
I wondered if anyone had used a Micromys v4 adapter with a ps2/usb adapter and USB mouse with Mssiah Sequencer.
I'm keen to use Sequencer in 1351 mode as I am fed up of keyboard conflicts casuing all my song titles to be like viral junk!
Ideally I'd like an original 1351 if anyone has one they want sell though!
--I did buy one on ebay but the seller never delivered :-( Ebay sucks.
also here's a photo of the USB mouse I'd like to use - to try and retain that old school feel!
On offer at Argos ebay at the moment for £3.49 HERE
Constructions a bit cheap but they work (with USB).
HATE the mouse mat though!
FYI - it works!
Old school looks with - new school technology...
Last edited by neal beard (2012-10-16 14:47:26)
It does work BUT if the mouse becomes inactive - and it's red light goes off - a very pervasive high pitched noise comes out of the audio.
My work around has been to work with the micromys mouse to compose, as it is faster and more accurate, and ignore the noise or wiggle the mouse.
And either unplug it, or use my modded Amiga Mouse for recording.
Has anyone any ideas of how to troubleshoot this one properly?
PS ADMIN - this thread should actually be in the MSSIAH sequencer section - thanks...
Yo, the section is OK. It works with Prophet64 and with Mssiah
cheers, The Admin