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#1 2012-01-06 21:07:31

Bloody beginner
From: Edinburgh
Registered: 2011-10-23
Posts: 1

C64 > PSone LCD external lead?

I've seen a few threads about permanently fusing the C64 & PSone LCD internally, but not so much about leads connecting the two externally. I'd rather do it that way so I don't have to mess with the internals of my C64C. I picked up an adaptor to plug into the AV IN on the PSone LCD:

then plugged my DIN video > phono lead into it:

and this was the crappy result:

So now I'm thinking I might get better picture quality with a DIN video > MULTI AV (PS AV connector) lead. Is this fantasy? Or if it would make a difference, how would I create such a thing? I'm guessing it doesn't already exist?

Could anyone share any wisdom or advice?



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