Hi Everyone
I have recently been playing about with the sequencer on MSSIAH and am impressed to say the least! I am having an issue though, the manual explains the process to change the velocity (volume) of each note... much the same as in the likes of cubase but when i do this it does not change the volume of the hits what-so-ever. Any ideas why this may be?
Cheers, Tom
Velocity affects the decay or sustain level of the sound depending on your selection. Also check the vel setting.
i think it is the vel setting i have been altering but with no affect to the sounds... when in the key edit window below where the notes are drawn in...
a1msta wrote:
I have the feeling that there is something wrong with the sequencer. I have been using MSSIAH over the last few months and have never had a problem related to changing the volume. Mike has pointed out that there is some problem with vel setting but in my view the problem is with the sequencer. I would advise him to take it to an authorized service centre and show it to the technicians. I am sure that they will be able to provide a solution to his problem.
not really sure what you are trying to say here...
still having issues with levels, can anyone explain to me how to change the individual level to each drum hit, synth stab etc? I have simply been clicking the note/hit in question in the key-edit window and then clicking the 'v' bottom left and dragging the small horizontal line below the note up and down, but it does not seem to affect the volume of said note/hit...
please help! :-)
a1msta = confused, mental, troll or spammer?
Seriously electriclifeform: The velocity affects sustain or decay-levels but in order for that to work your envelope needs to be set correctly. You can't just apply volume changes to a sound just like that. It's not the sequencer's fault, it's simply one of the weird quirks of the sid chip.
First try setting the adsr to 00 00 15 00 and velocity to 3 and make sure that the velocity affects the sustain level. That should do it, you should be able to hear different volumes in the grid editor when dragging the "v"-lines.
thanks so much miketorino, will try this out tomorrow.